Creativity & Innovation

“When the sheer volume of work and pressure increases, taking time out to be creative can feel a little too much like a luxury, far removed from the conveyor belt of production.”
Chris Wickenden, CCO, From : Today
Roughly 75% of people feel that they’re not living up to their creative potential.
In a survey conducted by the World Economic Forum, 90% of business leaders emphasised the importance of creativity in maintaining competitiveness in today’s market.
However, in the US and UK, 80% of people said that they felt a greater pressure to be productive rather than creative at work.
Within this snapshot of stats may lie the problem when it comes to creativity.
At FROM:TODAY, we know what it takes for creativity and collaboration to thrive with teams at any level. We’ve been very intentional in building our process to get you there.
1. Movement - go towards
Sometimes going to a different space physically can help you to access a different space mentally, away from the conveyor belt of daily doing.
2. Know Why - clear goal
If you don’t know why you’re doing what you’re doing, you don’t have the right motivation and you’re bound to feel a bit lost. Clarify this right at the outset.
3. Know where - clear plan
If you’ve set aside a particular time for achieving your goal, make some sub objectives with some timed check points for you to have achieved them by. This can help focus the mind and stop meandering.
4. Be Here - deep presence; no distractions
Switch off entirely from external distractions and give yourself fully to what you’re doing now.
5. Egos at the door
If you’re working in a team, make a sincere commitment to “get it right” rather than “be right.” Be willing to be wrong and open to going in a completely unexpected direction.
If you need help or guidance in this area – either personally or for your team – please get in touch. We’d love to talk.
If you need help or guidance in this area – either personally or for your team – please get in touch.